Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is Luwak?

The Luwak / Asian Palm Civet / Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus / The Common Palm Civet / The Toddy Cat, is a cat-sized mammal in the family Viverridae native to South-east Asia and Southern China who is creator of the fame of the Kopi Luwak or Luwak Coffee. Luwak is the Indonesian name given to the Asian Palm Civet. The major population of this animal habits the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago. “Civet” comes from the Arabic word “zabad”.

Size and description

* Kingdom: Animalia
* Phylum: Chordata
* Subphylum: Vertebrata
* Class: Mammalia
* Order: Carnivora
* Suborder: Feliformia
* Family: Viverridae
* Subfamily: Paradoxurinae
* Genus: Paradoxurus
* Species: Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus

Luwak or The Asian Palm Civet averages 3.2 kg (7 lb), has a body length of 53 cm (21 in) and a tail length of 48 cm (19 in). Its long, stocky body is covered with coarse, shaggy hair that is usually grayish in color, with black on its feet, ears and muzzle. Luwak has three rows of black markings on its body. The Luwak is solitary, nocturnal and arboreal. Palm Civets become active only after dark and retreat to rest sites just before dawn.The activity period, from 18:00 to 04:00, is influenced by daylight. They spend the day asleep in a tree hollow. They are territorial. Young Luwaks are born in tree hollows or in boulder crevices. Few years ago, Luwak was pursued by humans, who killed them for damaging orchards and plantations but now, due to the extra money the farmers have for selling the Luwak’s feces, it looks like they are the king of the plantations.

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